How To Stop Incomeing Ads On Android Phone
Assalamu alaikum. Welcome to another new post on TrickNew. I’m swapon with you, i hope you’re all doing well. Friends, we all use Android phones. Again, we install different types of apps on our phone. When we turn on the data connection and visit different apps or websites, different good and bad ads start coming to our phone. Many times ads come when we use our phone’s default apps. This is very annoying for all of us. How To Stop Incomeing Ads On Android Phone.
Friends, many times it is seen that the ads comes in front of everyone with some bad items or bad videos. It creates a confused environment in front of all of us. But did you know that it is possible to stop these Incomeing annoying ads on your mobile phone? Maybe you don’t know. Yes friends, if you do a little trick, you can easily stop all kinds of incomeing annoying ads to your phone. So friends, let’s start our today’s post on How To Stop Incomeing Ads On Your Android Phone.
To do this work, first of all, find your phone’s setting option.
Now enter your setting option and click on the setting search option.
Then write the setting search option Privet DNS then click on the search icon I showed. In this case, the privet DNS of different phones can be different type. However, all phones must have private DNS options.
Now you will click on the option called ❝Privet DNS Provider HostName❞.
Then write here ❝❞ when written, click on the Save option and save the function.
After doing this setting, despite having an internet connection, your phone will no longer show ads. However, in this case, this function will not work on App Or websites that have anti-ads blockers, such as:
- Won’t Stop Incomeing Ads From Youtube.
- Won’t Stop Incomeing Ads From Facebook.
Apart from this, almost all types of incomeing ads on your phone will stop immediately. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of using this private DNS option. Before you use this private DNS option, you must also know this servise advantages and disadvantages of private DNS.
- Protect Privacy: incrypt every incoming DNS request, which complicates most users’ privacy.
- Easy Use: Users can easily use this DNS server and set private DNS to there device of their choice.
- Popularity: This is a popular privacy Adguard DNS this is very popularly known as a private DNS server.
- Site Blocking: Using this Adguard DNS server may cause some websites to be blocked. Websites that are outside AdGuard privacy, that will not be able to visit this websites.
- Browsing Problems: Sometimes users have complained of problems browsing internet for use there privet DNS service.
Friends, this way you can easily see the history of videos seen on Facebook. So friends, this was our post today, how to watch facebook video history? I hope this post is helpful to you a bit. As of today, I’m leaving here, we’ll see if there’s a new topic in the next post. Until then, everyone will be fine and stay with TrickNew.