SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

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Assalamu Alaikum. Welcome to another new post of TrickNew Website. I’m swapon with you, hope everyone is very much better. Welcome to a new post on How to Rank Your Blog Higher on Google? If you are disappointed with the problems with Google Ranking and Indexing of your website/blog post, today’s post may be beneficial for you. Today we will talk about some things that you can rank on your website or blog Google. A website or blog may not have a rank or index in Google search. And there may be various reasons for not being index or rank.

If you have created a new website, maybe you do not have good knowledge about your search engine optimization (SEO) or you are not working properly on your website. In addition to this, there may be many other reasons that are necessary to rank a website. Many new bloggers are worried about how to rank a new blog in Google, so in this post we will tell you some tips that allows you to easily rank a new website in Google. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

People are now taking blogging as an independent business or profession. And as a result, many competitions have been created in this case. We all know that when you make money from a blog, that blog needs thousands of unique or new visitors every day. And, in this case, Google search can provide a large amount of organic traffic on our blog every day. And so, as a blogger, we always try to bring our blog to the top of “Google Search Engine”. Below, we are giving your blog or website some tips for rank by Google.

Select The Correct Domain Name

Choice domain name: seo website ranking tips

Before creating a new website, it is very important to select a correct domain name for it. There are many new bloggers who make blogs in subdomains and they do not buy top level domains. But today is so competitive that it is important to have a top level domain to get a website rank. You can choose any top level domain name from .com, .net, .org, etc for your website.

Also, keep in mind that the domain name should be selected at a specific nish. The It increases the chances of coming first in the search rankings on Google when the keyword is searched. After creating any website, it must first submit it to Google Search Console. Because the blog posts on a website are indexed, traffic will come from Google on that blog. For this, the website is compulsory to submit to Google Search Console. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

If your website or blog is new, it will take time to crawl that new website of Google Bots. In search of Google, it may take up to 1 month to index a new website. So, if your blog site is newly submitted to Google, the entire blog will take some time from Google’s index and rank. You can search for all the indexed pages of your blog on Google by entering Site: on Google. Here is the URL of your website instead of

After that all the indexed pages of your website will be visible. However, in the case of a new website, ranking on Google’s first page is not easy. Because, when your website or blog is new, the Domain Authority (DA) of that website (DA) will be much lower. And, Google takes some time to trust websites with a new and low domain authority. When you regularly publish posts on your blog, the DA (Domain Authority) of your blog site will gradually increase. As a result, if you write good, high quality and SEO optimized articles, no one will be able to stop you from ranking on Google’s first search engine.

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Submit Sitemap To Google Search Console

Google search console team: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

Sitemap is a list of all websites on a domain website. Sitemap Google is very important to explain the structure of your website. That’s why you need to submit a sitemap in Google Search Console. A sitemap is an index file, through which Google Index the URL of your site. In addition to Google, other webmaster tools such as bing, yandex etc. should also be submitted to a sitemap. With this, the website’s web pages will be indexed in other search engines and you will find more organic traffic. In addition, web pages on your website will be easily and faster.

Currently, about 80% of the web search smartphone is done. And so, Google has begun to take it as a ranking factor to improve mobile-friendly search results. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google? This means that a website is considered a mobile-friendly Google ranking factor. If your website does not look good on mobile then the ranking of your website may be reduced. So, before selecting a theme or a template for any website, check if this is a mobile friendly theme. You can use Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool to check if your website is friendly.

Choose Less Competitive Keywords

New seo ranking way: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

As I said earlier, many competitions have started in blogging. Thousands of blog posts are being published and indexed by Google every day. Now, if you are creating a blog on something or writing a keyword that targets a keyword, Google already has thousands of information about that website or keyword. Then you need to deal with many contestant websites to get the ranking on the first page of Google search with that topic or keyword. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

In this situation, if the content of your competitor’s website, SEO and the domain authority are all high quality, it will be very difficult for you to rank the website on Google with that keyword or subject. For this reason, before writing a post, you should study the keyword first. Will be Through keyword research, you can collect information about any keyword by searching Google. Google search engine will find out how many times a keyword is being searched every month, how many articles have been targeted by Google keywords, etc. through keyword research. You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool for free keyword research.

Write Best Quality Content

Write article: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

If you do not write quality content, then there will be a lot of problems getting the ranking on the first page of Google search. Now the question is what does this “mental content” mean? The answer is very simple. Quality articles mean writing articles in such a way that your visitors can get the correct answer or solution to their questions from your blog. I have seen many bloggers around the world who do not clearly write posts. They have no rules for writing posts. As a result, visitors do not like their posts and Google does not rank those websites.

So always try to write a detailed article on anything. Try writing articles with small paragraphs and try to publish informative articles between 1000 to 1500 words. Google already has a lot of web pages, including any topic or keyword. So, why Google will rank your website for low quality material when it already has good content. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google? So always try to write the right informative and quality articles. In this system you can rank a website much faster in a short time.

Share Article Through Social Media

Content share on social media: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

Social media is the best way to bring traffic to a new website. In addition to this, if your website is more shared, Google can find out this response and it indexes your website quickly and helps to increase your website ranking. Also, if you share your website on social media, there will be a referral link on your website.

This also provides a Dofollow backlink for your website, which is very helpful on the ranking of a website. Now when sharing the article, you should keep in mind that only share it in the place where the content of your website is reading the content of your website. If someone clicks on the link you shared and goes out without reading the article, it can have a bad effect on your website. SEO Tips – How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

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Increase Your Website Loading Speed

Website speed optimization: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

Usually users do not want to wait long to open a website. If your website is first displayed on Google Search Result and if it takes a long time to open it, users will not wait long to open your website and they will click on the link to another website instead of your website. This is why Google can reduce the ranking of your website. SEO Tips How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

On the other hand, the Google website also considers loading speed as a rankings factor. It does not rank websites whose loading time is more than 3 seconds. You can check the loading time of your website using Google’s Page Speed ​​Insights, Pingdom and Gitimetrics Tools. To fix the loading speed of your website, use JavaScript, CSS and Lightweight theme. If you are a WordPress user, try to use a few plugins.

Use Interesting Words In Articles Titles And Descriptions

Choose an interesting title and description when writing any post. Because only the titles and details of your website are shown in Google. If you select an interesting title and details, more users will click on it. This will increase the CTR rate of your website and it will improve the ranking of your website. Because of the more clicks, Google will think that this website has quality content, which is why more people are clicking on it. And thus it will help increase the ranking of your website.

Unique content means that always write articles like yourself, do not copy anywhere. Also add links to another post between the article. Try to write the post simply to read the post. Use bullets, numbers, etc. to format the post well. If you write well, users can click on other links on your site to read other posts. The more time the user spends on your website, the greater the ranking of your website. SEO Tips  How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

But if you steal or copy the content from other people’s blogs on your own blog, then the content of your website will not be ranked or index in Google Search. Remember, Google easily understands whether you have created a content or copy from another website. In addition, Google knows which website has already been published on which content has been stolen or copied. So, if your blog is copied or stolen from another website or blog, the dream of getting a ranking in your Google search will only be a dream.

Create High Quality Backlink

Strong backlink makeing idea: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

When Google crawl, index and rank a page on a website, it also rank backlink as a ranking factor for that page. The more external backlinks for your website page, the more you get the green signal for your website in the eyes of Google. Because backlink is a ranking factor as well as a symbol of confidence. If the backlink is strong, the importance of the website increases. SEO Tips How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

A site is offering a Dofollow backlink on your website, which means that the website supports your website and therefore Google also rank your website on a backlink basis. But keep in mind that always try to get backlink from high quality websites. If you create backlinks from a low quality site, the ranking of your website may have a bad effect.

And as a result, the Google Rankings on your website will be severely down. Backlinks are very important to increase the new website and domain authority. Enter and publish good quality content on your blog to create good quality backlinks. As a result, people will automatically force you backlink to give you backlinks. Also, post guests on the High Authority blog. Comment on other blogs related to your blog/website. Add your own blog to the top high quality blog directory.

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Reduce The Bounce Rate From Your Website

Bounce rate is a very important factor in the rankings of any blog. You can see the details about the bounce rate in Google Analytics. If you have not yet attached your website to Google Analytics, please attach it. In Google Analytics you regularly check the data related to your website. The bounce rate means how many users are staying on your website and how many users are leaving your website.

Try to keep the bounce rate as low as possible. Bouncy rates of less than 30% for a website are considered good. This means that 70% of your website users read the contents of your website, and the remaining 30% of the users who come to your website but get out of your site or blog without the content. To reduce the bounce rate, enter high quality content. In the middle of the content, add hyperlink to other posts on your site and make your website design attractive. Do something that will attract users on your website.

Write SEO Friendly Article

Article seo way: SEO Tips || How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

You already know what SEO is and why it is important for the website. The full name of SEO is Search Engine Optimization, according to which you optimize your website for search engine. Here we will discuss some of the important aspects of SEO. If you are a WordPress user you can easily implement the following things on your website, using only an SEO plugin-

  1. Use content titles, hyperlinks, descriptions and focus keywords in paragraphs.
  2. Bold, Italic, Underline the required keywords and words.
  3. Add the link to other posts of the content.
  4. Use Alt Tag in the picture used in the post.
  5. Delete Broken link from your website. Or redirect their other post in URL.
  6. Use TXT and Sitemap files.
  7. Use meta tags.
  8. Create a 404 error page.
  9. Use Table of Contents.
  10. Blog post prepared for Rich Result

If you are new to blogging, you may not know much about Rich Result. This is a strategy of SEO’s secret. Accordingly, your post is originally prepared to show the first page of the search result. Rich Result means the link to your website is specially displayed on Google. SEO Tips How To Rank Your Blog Higher On Google?

If you write easily understanding and writing a question -based post, the chances of coming to your blog post on the first page of Google search increase. If you want to separate your website from Google’s other website, you can use Schema Markup. Using the Schema Markup, the website information begins to appear on the Google result page and increases the chances of clicking on it. You can use Schema Markup in your post through WordPress Plugin. Some important external schema markups such as FAQS Schema, How to Schema, Table Schema and Review, etc. are the most commonly used.

 Regularly Write And Publish Article

You must have seen a news website rankings on top of Google. Have you ever tried to know the reason behind this? If you notice, you will find that the content of the news website is very small, but it is still in the first place. The main reason for this is that more than 5 posts are published a day on the news website. If you publish regular posts on your website, your post will definitely rank. The more posts you write, the more your confidence in the eyes of Google will increase, which will help increase the ranking of your website.

Last Talk

In this article today we have tried to give you a lot of details on how to rank a new website Google. After doing a lot of research here, I have shared with you these important tips. We hope that by following these tips, you can bring up the top of your blog or website search results and get a very good result from the website. Here is a lot of visits on your website to say good results. Yes, of course, if you use our articles today for your website, you can bring a lot of visits to your website in a short time.

So guys, this was our post today, How to Rank Your Blog Higher on Google? Hope the post will be a little helpful to you. Like today, I am leaving here, you will see something new in the next post. Until then everyone will be well healthy and stay with TrickNew.

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