How To Get BRAC Bank Visa Card For Free
Assalamu Alaikum. Welcome to another new post on TrickNew. I’m swapon with you, I hope you are all well. Friends, today we will apply Visa card from BRAC Bank for free and very easily. BRAC Bank is a trusted banking institution in Bangladesh. It was established 2001 in Bangladesh and it has been successfully providing banking services in Bangladesh till the present time. We hope that till our generation, we will always continue to get the best of BRAC Bank Mobile Banking. Ishrak Jahan is currently the president of the BRAC Bank. BRAC Bank Banking Service is basically a financial service, which helps business and individual customers by making payments for fixed terms of service. Get BRAC Bank Visa Card For Free.
Brac Bank currently offers various banking services in Bangladesh. Some of the popular banking services of the BRAC Bank:
- Bill Payment
- Loan Disbursement
- Card Issuance
- Transfer Service
- Investment Management etc.
BRAC Bank also provides special business loans for business clients to make their best practices more popular. Businesses maintain the continuity of transactions by providing conditions to the businessmen by providing these loans. Customers can easily manage their accounts, loans and other banking activities using digital internet banking facility and BRAC Bank mobile application to make these services more accessible to them.
What Type Cards Are Offer The BRAC Bank?
Today, since we will get a Visa card for free and without any hassle, we will not discuss any separate topic. Today we will discuss something about Visa cards. We will also discuss in detail how to get a Visa card for free. BRAC Bank is a simple solution to financial problems in Bangladesh that provides various cards to facilitate transactions of their customers. The following cards are easily available by applying from Brac Bank.
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
- Prepaid Card
That’s Like all other big banks, BRAC Bank provides 3 types of cards on a regular basis keeping in mind the convenience of transactions of their customers. With these cards, customers will be able to complete their regularly transactions according to the specified policy. So let’s know what these 3 types of cards are from BRAC Bank.
- Debit Card: Brac Bank provides its customers with an organizational debit card to make regular transactions easier, which customers can use for their business and personal needs. These cards have the opportunity to use customers’ own needs, wishes or needs. Using the debit card, customers can do all the work including online shopping, cash withdrawal from ATM, bill payment, balance transfer etc.
- Credit Cards: Brac Bank provides credit cards to their customers for make money transactions easier. With these cards, customers receive various credits based on the transaction and are awarded the highest trader reward. Customers can make online purchases, online transactions, bill payments, balance transfer transactions using credit cards from BRAC Bank. This is basically known as Visa Card.
- Prepaid Cards: Brac Bank provides prepaid cards to all their regular customers for transaction facility. Prepaid cards are provided free of cost to all BRAC Bank customers. With this prepaid card, customers can shop on different websites, pay bills, withdraw cash from ATM and complete almost all other transactions as per their requirement.
Benefits Of The BRAC Bank Visa Card?
Like all other Visa card providers in the country, BRAC Bank Visa Card can be used for any other you need. Also known as a popular Visa card in the marketplace for online shopping. BRAC Bank Visa Card is a popular way for secure money transactions from worldwide. Some of the Benefits from BRAC Bank Visa Card:
- Easy To Use
- Ensure The Safety Of Customers
- Globally Acceptable
- Online Market Payment Facility
- Freelancing Money Withdrawal
- Acceptable On All Other Websites
- EMI Exchange Facility
- Dollar Load Facility With bKash etc.
With this popular Visa card of BRAC Bank, you can easily load dollars to your card with using bKash. That you can use to make purchases in different countries or pay on different websites as your wish. You do not have to pay any berth for all these processes of obtaining a Visa card. BRAC Bank Visa Card is absolutely for free.
Also, if you want a check book for the use of your visa Card, you will have to pay BDT 240 as the cost of the check book. In order to collect your check book, you have to collect your check book by contacting the nearest BRAC Bank organization. So friends, let’s see how can apply BRAC Bank visa card for free.
Before starting the work, first we will install the Brac Bank app from the Play Store on our phone.
After opening the app, click on the Open A Bank Account option.
Then the app will redirect you to your Chrome browser and there will be some loading. You will wait.
Now you can click on the Apply option.
Then you will select under what and why you want to open a bank account.
Now click on the Submit option and give your phone number with 01number.
After giving the number A code will appear in the message of the number you gave. Enter the code on the blank box and click on submit option. First time If the code does not come, then click on the recent code option.
Now you went to open your Brac Bank account, you must first verify your account with using voter ID card. To verify the account, click on the upload option and give the front image of your NID card in the first cell and the back picture of your NID card in the next box.
Then you need to verify your live face. To verify your live face, click on the take photo option and take a beautiful picture of your face and click on the upload option.
Now load a few seccend for verify your face, you will be waiting now.
Then if you want to get a free visa card, fill in the blank box like me or you can fill it as you wish.
Now fill the following box with your persona information. I blurred the image for my own privacy. Now click on the Next option.
Then you will click Yes for the debit card option. Fill in the options with the correct information as you wish. Then click on Next option.
Now if all your information is correct, Brac Bank will ask you to add a nominee user to open a successful account. Click on the Next option with the nominee information. You can add a nominee as your wish.
Then BRAC Bank will send a successful message. And see your account details tracking number.
You will continue to receive updates with messages through your given Gmail or number.
So friends, we have done all the work of properly getting our Visa Card. Now we have to setup the Brac Bank Astha app account or we will not be able to apply our Visa Card. So for this work we will click on the Sing Up For Astha option.
Now we will click on the Agree option and click on the Next option.
Then we will select the Account option and click on the Continue option.
Now enter the account number that you got a message. And give your account open phone number in the blank box. Then click on the Validate option.
A code will appear on your phone to verify your account. Select the SMS Or Mail option and give the code on box and click on the Next option.
Now click on the Verify option with the Verify code that comes on your phone.
Then click on the Set User ID and Password option for setup your account.
Now click on the Submit option with the username and password you can give username and password as you wish. And you must remember it.
Then you will see a success notification. Now you will click on the Log In option and Log in to your account.
Now you will click on the Credit Card option from your account.
Then again click on the (+Credit Card) option.
Now you will apply by clicking on the Apply Now option of the Visa Platinum Card. If you want, you can read all the details by clicking on the details option.
Then your Application Submit Successful and there you will get an Application ID. You will save it. It will be important code. Next Time you must need this code.
Friends, in this way you can easily get a student visa card from Brac Bank. With this card you can complete the transaction any country online or outside. If you wait for a few days, your visa card will come in the form of a letter to the specific address that you give to create account.
So friends, this was our today’s post, how to get BRAC Bank Visa Card for free. Hope this post will help you. As of today, I am leaving here, see you in the next post about a new topic. Until then, everyone will be well, healthy and stay with TrickNew.