What Is Web Hosting | Best Host For A Website

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Assalamu Alaikum. Welcome to another new post on TrickNew. I’m Swapon with you, I hope you are all well. Friends, if you want to earn money from online, then one of the best ways is to build your own organization. Then I’d say you’re wrong. Yes, I’m talking about organizations that are individuals that can’t be touched by hand or seen like a shop or blog organization. Now you might be worried! So what is that organization? Simply put, online e-commerce websites or blogging website. By this you can make a big business with a little money. But before starting your business, the quality of the organization you create must be good because no shopkeeper or business owner wants people to return from their organization shop or blog. What Is Web Hosting | Best Host For A Website.

If you want to establish any of your own online organizations or shop in simple words, as well as if you want to provide all the well services to your customers, you must have good knowledge about domain and hosting on the website. If you want to create a website, you need to have knowledge about a good domain and good hosting. Because of which no customer will be able to visit your website at a specific website down time. As a result, customers or visitors will have a negative attitude towards your website.

If you want to create a website, domain hosting is very important. However, the domain is usually bought as desired. The most important thing is hosting. Better the hosting, the higher your website loading speed. The better the hosting, the more active your website. The better the hosting, The better your website visitor or user experience. So in this post we will know more about website hosting. What is web hosting? Details The Types Of Web Hosting etc. Insha Allah, we will discuss all the issues in detail. So let’s start our today’s post without any talking.

What Is Web Hosting?

What Is Web Hosting | Best Host For A Website

The most important thing to create a website is hosting. Web hosting is a place to save all the data on the website such as text, images, media, etc. files. To put it more simply, when you load songs or videos on your phone, the files are saved to your device memory card. If you don’t have free space in your memory, you won’t be able to load songs or videos. Then the device’s memory card storage is required to load your song. In the same way, web hosting is an important thing to save or store all the data on your website in one place. Where all your uploaded data will be stored. Which you can find if anyone searches the internet.

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What Is Hosting?

Hosting is a web server. Where all the data of a specific website is stored. Every information on the web server is connected to all the data of the specified website by a uniq number When a visitor searches for all those things on the Internet, the documents on the web server are served with a specific access number. When a user clicks on that link, the website’s server displays that information or data in front of visitors.

What Are The Types Of Hosting?

What Is Web Hosting | Best Host For A Website

Those who sell the host of the website, they are called hosting providers. Hosting providers manage their hosting services separately in both price and quality. You will get the hosting quality or service just as you take the hosting of the price. Hosting services have been divided into many categories to distinguish these standards of hosting. I will know a little later about the hosting price and quality. Before that, let’s know what are the types of hosting? Hosting is basically divided into 6 parts.

  1. Dedicated Hosting
  2. Share Hosting
  3. VPS Hosting
  4. Cloud Hosting
  5. Reseller Hosting
  6. Manage Hosting

Most hosting companies mainly provide the services that i discussed. You may know the types of all these hosting. Which one is best? And you may know how a service is created. Let’s get a little idea of the hosting. Then today’s post will be easier for us.

1. Dedicated Hosting

If you buy the entire CPU from a hosting company, it will be dedicated hosting. When you buy dedicated hosting, you will get full RAM, full CPU, and full storage. If you want to buy a dedicated hosting, you have to buy a CPU of a certain amount of size. When you create a website using this hosting, that website will be refreshed at like rocket speed. Your website loading speed will be superfast. However, if you want to buy this dedicated hosting or want to renew every year, you have to renew or buy by paying more than 1M rupees.

2. Share Hosting

When a complete CPU is shared by many people, that hosting or web server is called share hosting. This can slow down your website loading speed. Sometimes the website may be down. There is no such problem if you take service from a good hosting provider. It can cost around Tk 4,000 to buy 20 GB SSD share hosting. Currently, about 95% of the websites in Bangladesh have been created by share hosting.

3. VPS Hosting

When hosting is purchased in a date and made of different sub machines or virtual machines, it is called VPS hosting. VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting but the number of users here is not very high. The number of users of VPS hosting is comparatively much less than share hosting. If you want to buy VPS hosting or renew every year, it costs around 8,000 BDT.

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4. Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is used to open the same website’s domain from different places or different servers. To make the matter a little clearer, suppose visitors from Bangladesh, China, America come to your website. Then your website is slow and loading time is high. Then you can easily solve that problem using cloud hosting.

You can create the same web server separately for specific websites using cloud hosting for different countries. This allows visitors of a specific country to visit your website through the server of that country. This will increase your website loading speed comparatively. One of the websites that uses cloud hosting in Bangladesh. Name Of The Website (Daraz).

5. Reseller Hosting

It’s basically the same as a share hosting. But here both deticate as well as shared work is done. When you buy the entire space of a web hosting or a CPU and share it with everyone or sell it, then that hosting is called reseller hosting. Various hosting companies sell reseller hosting. They buy a complete CPU, then share that CPU or sell it to everyone. 

6. Manage Hosting

The type of web hosting that large companies or organizations use is called manage hosting. Here they use hosting and they manage for hosting users. To make the matter a little clearer, we all build websites using WordPress. However, WordPress operates with their own hosting. Again, if we want, we can buy hosting from WordPress and create our own website. Here you notice that they are operated with their own hosting, again we can use their hosting service if we want, basically these types of hosting are called manage hosting.

Some Of The Popular Hosting Provider Websites

What Is Web Hosting | Best Host For A Website

Hosting is an important part of a website. So if you want to buy hosting for your website, you must buy hosting from a good hosting provider. Otherwise, your website may be down at any time. There will also be problems like website slowing or website down. Currently, there are some popular hosting providers. You will not have to worry about the website being down, if you buy hosting from thise website.

  1. Namecheep
  2. Hostinger
  3. BlueHost
  4. DreamHost
  5. Hostgator

How To Buy Hosting?

The websites discussed above are very popular domain or hosting provider websites at the present time. If you want to buy hosting from the websites, Generally you can not buy it with bKash. However, you can easily buy hosting from the above websites by loading dollars on the virtual master card with bKash. You can also easily buy domains or hosting from these websites through Bitcoin using Binance.

How To Choose The Right Web Hosting?

When you buy hosting for the purpose of creating a website, you must take care of some special aspects. Because your website should be active 24 hours a day. When the website suddenly goes down, the visitor will create a negative attitude towards your website. They may be hesitant about your service. So to keep all the user experience good, the following things should be well selected web hosting.

  1. Uptime: The web hosting is to keep your website always active on the Internet. So that when someone enters your website, they get almost all the information they need. However, there are many hosting companies whose websites sometimes go down due to using hosting. If the website is down, visitors will not be able to access your website. As a result, visitors will be created a negative attitude. Hosting should be purchased from all hosting providers that provide 99.99% hosting uptime.
  2. Speed: The loading spread of the website plays a very important role in keeping the visitor on the website. If someone visits your website, if your website page is not loading in 2 minutes, the visitor will leave the website without visiting your website. The only way to solve this problem with website loading speed is to purchase hosting that provides good loading speed.
  3. Bandwidth: How much data your website can access per second is called hosting bandwidth. Due to too many visitors entering your website, your website may slow down and sometimes the website may be down due to more visitors. To solve such a problem, purchase hosting that will provide unlimited bandwidth.
  4. Security: If you create a website with a lot of trouble by wasting a lot of money, the website is easily hacked or if the data is stolen from the website, then surely you will be in big trouble. So you should choose web hosting that provides high security.
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SSL certificates are an easy way to provide more security. SSL certificates play a big role in providing security to a website. So when buying web hosting, you must notice whether the hosting provider is giving you an SSL certificate.

Final Words

Before running a website, you have to give more seriousness about hosting because your website can perform better user experience due to hosting. Again, due to hosting, your website’s rank may be down. Because if your website’s loading speed slows down, Google will keep your website search rank behind. As a result, you will not get visitors to the website. Also, if your hosting service is not very good, the web server may be down repeatedly while customizing or coding the website. I did not have experience before due to which my website was down regularly. Later, I changed the hosting provider and now I am very peaceful.

People are just wrong, maybe there may be mistakes in many information or there may be many information mistakes. If there is any problem with the information not given, not fully said or wrong, please let me know. I will correct my mistakes, InshaAllah, you have any suggestions, please comment. If there is a constructive suggestion, I will definitely add it to my post.

So friends this was our today’s post, what is web hosting? Details The Types Of Web Hosting. Hope this post will help you. As of today, I am leaving here, see you in the next post about a new topic. Until then, everyone will be well, healthy and stay with TrickNew.

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