Google Drive Make Direct Download Link With Telegram

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Assalamu Alaikum. Welcome to a new post of TrickNew. I’m Swapon with you, hope everyone is very good. Friends Google Drive This is the name many of us. Because Google Drive is a free service on Google. Here you can use 15GB of storage for free without any extra costs. Which is a very important thing for us. Friends are also use of this Google Drive. We put us our file on Google Drive to save all our important documents, files, videos, audio and even our important documents. So that we do not have any damage to our file. Again, we share these files link to different people in need. They download the file by clicking the file link. We all know how difficult it is to download the file from the download link of Google Drive.

What would you be like if you wouldn’t have more steps or boring to download this Google Drive file? If one click could download your Google Drive file! This time you must have been very good, wouldn’t it? Yes friends today I will show you how to create a Directly file download link one click download file on your Google Drive. So let’s get start to work without talking.
First of all, open the telegram app on your phone. If your phone does not have the telegram app, then the Telegram App From The Play Store will install the Telegram App on your phone.
Google Drive Direct Download Link With Telegram Bot
Now Than you can click on the search option on top of the right.

Now enter the search option. Write ❝ TEAM X TOOLS ❞ Then open their official bot as shown by me.
Google Drive Direct Download Link With Telegram Bot
After You can click on the ❝ Start ❞ .

Then wait some time . And click on menu bar option from side.

Thare you select 2 No Option from below.
Google Drive Direct Download Link With Telegram Bot
Now the bot will ask you for the link of the file that you want to create a direct download link, you should give the link of that file here. Than you go to Google Drive and then copy the link of the file you want to create a direct download link.

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Then you open the Telegram app bot again and paste your drive link there. Then SEND the message. See as soon as we send the bot created a direct download link to the file in our drive –
Google Drive Direct Download Link With Telegram Bot
Now you can click on the link and download your file easily without any trouble. So friends this was our today’s post how to make direct download link of google drive with telegram app very easily. Hope the post will be helpful for you. I’m leaving here for today, see you in the next post with something new. Until then everyone stay well stay healthy and stay with TrickNew.

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